Evidence based cancer care with humane touch
Evidence based cancer care with humane touch
We offer laparoscopic surgery for cancers of esophagus, rectum, kidney and uterus. We strive to maintain our impressive long term outcomes of open surgery with better short term outcomes.
As the awareness about breast cancer is increasing, many women are presenting with early breast cancers. Complete axillary lymph node dissection for those with no involved nodes in axilla increases the chances of lymph edema. So we have started with sentinel node biopsy from 2020. Results seem promising
Sub site wise major cancer surgeries
Head Neck Oncology
Oral cancer - 124
Thyroid cancer - 46
Parotid tumors - 11
Breast Oncology
Breast cancer - 300
Thoracic Oncology
Esophageal cancer - 34
Chest wall - 05
Lung cancer - 02
HPB Oncology
Pancreatic cancer - 20
Gall bladder cancer - 09
Liver cancer - 05
Gastric cancer - 24
Colo rectal Oncology
Colon cancer - 42
Rectal cancer - 29
Retroperitoneum - 07
Abdominal wall - 02
Gynec Oncology
Ovarian cancer - 104
Endometrial cancer - 80
Cervical cancer - 32
Vulval cancer - 09
Uro Oncology
Kidney cancer - 12
Urinary bladder cancer - 08
Penile cancer - 16
Testicular cancer - 05
Musculoskeletal Oncology
Soft tissue sarcoma - 12
Cutaneous malignancies -20
Miscellaneous - 78