Research publications
Research publications
Research publications
Original articles
- Multidisciplinary Management of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Associated with Anal Fistula: An Indian Series. Pai VD, Jatal S, Engineer R, Ostwal V, Arya S, Saklani AP. Colorectal Dis. 2015 Nov;17(11):O240–6.
- Multimodality therapy of rectal gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the era of Imatinib – An Indian series. Pai VD, Demenezes JL, Patil PS, Saklani AP. J Gastrointest Oncol. 2016 Apr;7(2):262–8.
- Selective extra levator versus conventional abdomino perineal resection: experience from a tertiary-care center. Pai VD, Engineer R, Patil P, Arya S, Desouza A, Saklani A. Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology. 2015 October [Accepted]
- Intersphincteric resection and hand sewn colo-anal anastomosis for low rectal cancer – Short term outcomes in the Indian Setting. Pai VD, Desouza A,Patil P, Engineer R, Arya S, Saklani A. Indian J Gastroenterol.2015 Jan; 34(1) :23-8 .
- Analysis of Risk Factors and Management of Anastomotic Leakage after Rectal Cancer Surgery: An Indian Series. Jatal S, Pai VD, Demenezes JL, Desouza AL, Saklani AP. Indian J Surg Oncol. 2016 Mar;7(1):37–43.
- Multivisceral resections for rectal cancers: short-term oncological and clinical outcomes from a tertiary-care center in India. Pai VD, Jatal S, Ostwal V, Engineer R, Arya S, Patil PS, Bal M, Saklani AP. Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology. 2015 December [Accepted for publication]
- Defunctioning stoma reversal - Does the approach to primary surgery influence the post operative outcomes? Bhamre R, Pai VD, Saklani AP. Journal of colorectal cancer; Accepted for publication
Review article / Technical note/ Video vignette
- Laparoscopic intersphincteric resection with hand sewn coloanal anastomosis – Anatural Orifice Specimen Extraction technique [Technical note]. Pai VD, Desouza A, Demenezes J, Saklani A. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2015 May;25(5):396–400.
- Laparoscopic Total Mesorectal Excision with Enbloc Resection of Seminal Vesicle for Locally Advanced Rectal Adenocarcinoma. Pai VD, Bhandare M, Saklani AP. Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2016 Mar;26(3):209–12.
- Laparoscopic sphincter-saving surgery for low rectal cancer--a video vignette. Gomes RM, Pai VD, Desouza A, Saklani AP. Colorectal Dis. 2015 Jun;17(6):546.
- Laparoscopic Total Proctocolectomy with Transanal Mucosectomy and Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis - a Video Vignette. Desouza AL, Pai VD, Gomes RM, Tamhankar A, Saklani AP. Colorectal Dis. 2015 Nov;17(11):1030.
Letter to editor
- Laparoscopic management of sigmoidorectal intussusception caused by sigmoid carcinoma. Pai VD, Desouza A, Bhandare M, Saklani AP. South Asian J Cancer. 2015 Mar; 4 (1) : 45.
- Extra nodal follicular dendritic cell sarcoma : Frequently misdiagnosed entity. Pai VD, Desai S, Desouza A, Saklani A. J Postgrad Med. 2015 Jan- mar; 61(1) : 55-6.
- Iatrogenic implantation of soft tissue sarcoma at skin graft donor site: Delayed manifestations of an avoidable complications. Pai VD, Puri A, Shridhar E, Gulia A. South Asian J Cancer.2015 Apr; 2(4) :100
- Recurrent urinary tract infection masquerading as skeletal metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Gulia A, Pai V, Puri A, Menon S. Indian J Cancer. 2015 Mar; 52 (1):118.
- Isolated hepatic tuberculosis masquerading as hepatic metastasis in a patient with Ewing’s sarcoma of fibula. Gulia A, Pai V, Puri A, Chinnaswamy G. Indian J Cancer. 2016 Mar; 53 (1): 85–6.
- Necessity is the mother of invention - Innovative radiological technique for detection of urinary leak from ureter. Pai VD, Puri A, Shetty N, Gulia A. IJMS [Accepted for publication]